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Jesmond Community Orchard

Green Jesmond talked to Treasurer Fiona Clarke about the importance of preserving green spaces, growing locally and protecting the environment.

Interviewing Gillian O'Connol (Founder of Jesmond Community Orchard)

Could you talk to us about the idea behind the project?

I had often walked across the cemetery thinking wouldn’t it be nice if there was a place for people to come, kind of like a remembrance place.

We asked a cemetery officer if we could have a piece of land and we found this corner where the orchard is. That was in 2009, when we started applying for grants, and in November 2009 we did the first planting.

How many people are involved?

Well there are 8 people on the committee but there are well off more than hundreds of people who are members and friends. We have a list of contacts and we send them information, informing them when something is happening.

We try and involve the community as much as we can, although anyone can come and get involved whenever they want.

What has been the response from the Jesmond community?

People love it and I am amazed about how many people know about it. When I meet new people I always ask them: "Do you know about the community orchard?" and they reply with, “Oh yes”.
People are now popping in, having their lunch there or just go sit down and enjoy the sunshine.
Alot of people become interested in growing their own trees so they come to us and say, “How do you choose an apple or pear?” So it’s become an information centre as well.

What are your future goals?

I would say maintaining it, getting more people involved. Make the community feel comfortable coming in, weeding and picking. People feel they can't pick so we need to spread the word that they are welcome to come along and try.

How can Jesmond residents support the Orchard?

Everybody who has got any land can grow things. Anything that grows is going to be invaluable for the environment. It would be nice to get more people interested in local planting. I would like to see more people eating seasonally and supporting local producers.

We 've always maintained the orchard as an organic place and we don’t use any chemicals. Its possible to grow things without chemicals and we should try to act accordingly.

Willow Weaving session as part of the Jesmond Community Festival

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