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Save energy


Reduce waste in landfills


Reduce pollution and take action against global warming


Check out Green Jesmond's leaflet for recycling tips, green facts and useful links:





Why recycle?

Why protect green areas?

Protect the enivronment


Improves the quality of air


Creates a more visually pleasing landscape


Recycling is the process of separating and converting used materials into new products as a way of prolonging their usefulness and eliminating exploitation of natural resources.


Recycling ensures the conservation of finite raw materials and protects natural habitats as it invests in the remanufacturing of consumer products. Additionally, it reduces the need to extract raw materials through logging, mining and quarrying, hence combatting air and water pollution.

 Almost everything we use in our daily lives can be recycled: from batteries, glass, paper and plastic, to biodegradable waste and electronic appliances. Instead of clogging up landfills and releasing methane into the atmosphere, everyone should recycle, as UK recycling has been estimated to save over 15 million tons of Carbon dioxide which amounts to removing 5 million cars from the streets.


Recycling saves energy as it requires less to manufacture recycled materials. Gasoline, diesel and coal are some of the basic fossil fuels used in production and they all emit harmful greenhouse gases. Recycling combats environmental pollution, as minimal energy usage reduces greenhouse gas emissions responsible for global climate change.


It is important to recycle in order to limit exploitation of non-renewable natural resources as increasing numbers of manufacturing industries accentuate their depletion. For example, one ton of recycled paper amounts to saving 17 trees and one ton of recycled aluminum is equivalent to preserving 50 tons of carbon dioxide.


Recycling is an efficient measure against environmental degradation and most importantly it is a way of thinking and acting. It is of vital importance as not only does it achieve maximum usage of manufactured products, but it also allows such core materials to be processed into new products hence preserving virgin materials and safeguarding a clean and healthy planet for future generations.

For more information visit:   


Wildlife and the natural areas they inhabit are becoming increasingly threatened by the actions of human society in this modern day. The various forms of pressure created by human activity continue to destroy the natural balance, leading to the deterioration of natural habitats, genetic erosion and the rarity, even extinction, of a number of plant and animal species.

​With urbanisation becoming more prevalent in modern society, the habitat of flora and fauna has lost ground. While the exact figures of wildlife and plant disappearance are hard to come by, scientists have all conceded that a number of natural landscapes are disappearing at an alarming rate.

While many humans have remained oblivious to how their actions have affected the world's ecosystem on a global scale, those starting to see the harm being done are beginning to feel like the planet may be doomed if actions are not taken on a global scale to protect and prevent.

There is a common misconception that one person's efforts to save the planet will do nothing to cancel out the millions of damage done by others but this simply is not true and it is this school of thought that has put us in the position we are in today. By doing simple and effortless things such as using and enjoying local green areas and making sure they remain a center point of local communities, people can really make a difference to how natural habitats are treated by councils and governments.

Many scientists have gone as far as to say that if nothing is done in time to prevent irreparable damage to nature and wildlife, the future of humankind as species may well be in danger.

The good news is that there is an increasing awareness of the great danger human beings are in and a global commitment has been agreed upon to maintain the ecosystem and see to it that enough work is done in the crucial fields. However, it is not enough for governments and organisations to make an effort and there is a real need for people across the world to get involved in environmental issues, starting in their own community.

​Protecting natural habitats and preventing pollution has always been viewed as a hard task but it is now a necessity and we as communities should try to get the job done little by little.

Recycling      Wildlife 

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